Starting Over with Shannon Jenkins

Grit. Determination. Commitment: Uplevel Your Mindset for Success!

Practicing the skill of COMMITMENT will change your life! When's the last time you showed up fully committed to making something happen in your life? 

Closing the escape routes. Betting on yourself. All, in on all in? Stopping at nothing until you get there? Did you get there?

We have gotten so used to wishy washy "maybe" "if I feel like it" "that sounds nice" "we will see what happens" energy. But that is not the way to create our grand vision.

Sure, commitment takes practice, discipline, focus, integrity, worthiness. Knowing when to take action and exert effort and when to ease up and surrender.

And when we finally show up, create and receive what we truly want, isn't it always worth not giving up?

 Serve the commitment, and then the commitment serves you. The best way to predict the future is to create it. 

This episode is all about DIGGING DEEP - for determination, perseverance and GRIT. 

Featuring 3 previous podcast guests: 

  1. Lynne McTaggart 
  2. Giovanni Dienstmann
  3. Anthony Trucks


00:00 The #1 mindset shift that will lead you to success

02:27 How committed are you?

07:19 The INCREDIBLE Science Behind the Law of Attraction

11:34 The #1 thing to need to achieve your goals!

15:16 Drown out the self-doubting inner voice with THIS

17:21 From Foster Child to NFL Player: Finding Self-Worth and Confidence

18:51 PS: Do it UGLY. Imperfect action is the answer.


Lastly, come and say hello on socials! I love hearing from you. 

Music by: Flood (Instrumental) by RYYZN

Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0